50th Anniversary Tickets Are Available!

Please join us for our 50th Anniversary event! Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Springwell Network IDD Participants and ongoing programming. You will get to enjoy a great meal and take advantage of our silent auction. You can read more about the event here.

$75 for a single person
$130 for a couple

If you would like to reserve a table or become a sponsor. Please review our prospectus at the link below. You can purchase a ticket by using the donate link below, sending us a cashier check, or money order. For questions, please feel free to Contact Us.

Monetary Donation

Your donations matter. They help us provide services and programs for individuals and recruit and retain skilled, experienced staff. You can donate by sending a check to Springwell Network, Inc. or by filling out the online application below.

Material Donation

Material donations is another way to support us and can be used in our charity programs or be provided to our network. Donations can be essentials, non-perishable foods, clothes, toys, bicycles, or even property, stocks, or unused vehicles. Please Contact Us at the link below for more information.

Become a Sponsor

We are always looking for sponsors who believe in our vision that individuals must be allowed to fulfill their destinies in their own way, at their own pace, accordingly to their own personalities. If you would like to support our organization, please Contact Us at the link below.

See our 2024 Prospectus

Our Sponsors


Government support continues to steadily erode yet our community’s need for social services and intervention spirals out of control. We must look to private and corporate financial sources of funding to continue to operate safe and effective programs. Through the generosity of donors we can continue to offer valued programs, recruit and retain skilled, experienced staff. With your support, Springwell Network can continue to support individuals in achieving a quality life and become contributing members of our society.

Your contribution can help fund:

  • Replacement of wheel chair vans.
  • Replacement of lifting devices for handicapped adults.
  • Renovations that accommodate and include people with special needs.
  • Purchase the services of specific trauma specialists and therapists to increase the client’s opportunity for full recovery.
  • Renovation and replacement of furnishings and equipment to provide residences that are filled with respect for the individuals Springwell serves and the Environment. Help Springwell stay green.

Your donation can build:

  • Basketball/Tennis/Badminton court
  • Gazebo
  • Greenhouse and Garden
  • Building expansion
  • Services which promote a life long commitment to healthy living and stress management (i.e. yoga, meditation)